Please be mindful of the following policies as we strive to make Workshop Studios a safe and welcoming place for all.

Safer Space

Any harassing behavior which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment is unacceptable conduct.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal behavior: Jokes, slurs, derogatory remarks, abusive language
  • Physical contact: Unwanted touching
  • Visual displays: Derogatory items, posters, photographs, drawings
  • Verbal advances: Any unwanted or unwelcome verbal contact

Anyone exhibiting these behaviors can be asked to leave at anytime by Workshop Studios’ staff.

Our safer space policy applies to all who enter our space or engage with our community and services. It can be downloaded here: Safer Space Policy

Children & Pets

Workshop Studios recognizes that welcoming children and pets into our space helps to make this an inclusive community, and offers much-appreciated flexibility for members and tenants with varied familial responsibilities. The following policy strives to be as accommodating as possible while protecting the privacy, safety, and comfort of all members, tenants, students, instructors, and guests.


If children (or those of your guests’) are joining you at the studio, you must accompany them at all times. You are responsible for their conduct and safety, and waive the right to hold Workshop Studios liable for any damages incurred during their visit.

Workshop staff reserve the right to ask you to leave if a child (or children) under your care appears to be insufficiently supervised, are disrupting other members’ or tenants’ practices, or causing damage to Workshop property. In such cases, you may be asked to work with Workshop staff to develop a plan under which they would be welcome in the studio again.


Pets must be seen and approved by Workshop Staff prior to being welcomed at Workshop Studios. While we love animals, those that produce unwanted noise or smell, or display aggressive or excessively rambunctious behaviour will not be approved. Please note, approval may be revoked at any time, for any reason, for any length of time.

While here, pets must be appropriately secured: either contained within a private studio, on a leash held by a person, or in a suitable cage or carrier, and kept within eyesight at all times. They may not occupy space that serves as an important passageway or exit.

Any pet waste (including but not limited to urine, feces, and hair) must be sufficiently cleaned and disposed of by pet owners promptly, using outside waste bins. Workshop Studios has made a considerable investment in our outdoor spaces. Please make every effort to keep our natural grasses growing tall and strong by keeping your pets from peeing or digging in these areas and around garden boxes. If we notice these areas degrading or receive any complaints in this regard, they may become no-pet areas.

Pet owners agree to remove their pet from Workshop Studios immediately if asked to do so by any patron, contract worker, staff, or guest with concerns about their comfort, security, or health.

Pet owners are responsible for all damages, loss, or injury caused by their animals while at or around the studio. Any disputes over damages or loss will be mediated by Workshop Staff, while injuries may be escalated to the appropriate legal authority.

Workshop Studios supports pets as a means of therapy (such as with PALS) or as service dogs for visible and non-visible disabilities and will strive to create a safe environment for these animals and their owners.

To make a complaint or raise a concern about children and pets in the studio, please get in touch with the Studio Manager at, or in person during office hours.