Everyone deserves safe, inspiring places to work, experiment, and escape.

Visit us!
Email info@workshopstudios.ca to set up an appointment.
Workshop Studios occupies two bays in Inglewood’s historic Brass Foundry building, boasting lovingly restored steel frame windows, lofty ceilings, warm natural finishes, and an abundance of plants. Think: Inglewood industrial grit with a fresh coat of calming Scandinavian minimalism.
Ceramics Equipment
Our ceramics studio houses 24 CSA approved Shimpo RK Whisper wheels, a 30″ Bailey slab roller with a 72″ table, wedging tables, an extruder, a hood vent for mixing glazes, and a variety of gas and electric kilns. We stock a variety of mid and high fire Plainsman clays and cone packs, which are available for purchase by students, members, and tenants.
We recognize that everyone works on a different schedule. In order to best serve our diverse community, the studio is open to members and tenants 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These hours are extended to ceramic students for the duration of their courses, allowing them to maximize practice hours and dive deeply into a restorative clay practice.
Everyone onsite is encouraged to respectfully enjoy our common areas. These include the kitchen (furnished with a fridge, freezer, microwave, toaster oven, and an overworked coffee maker) and back yard (home to a fire pit, long table, raised-bed garden, and a handful of bee hives.) An essential-oils diffuser and sound system with auxiliary hookups in the upstairs ceramics classroom help set the mood for any throwing session.
Our two single-occupancy washrooms are gender-neutral. Dogs are welcome at Workshop, provided they are well-mannered and kept on-leash.
While we are working hard to make Workshop Studios accessible to every body, we are unfortunately not wheelchair accessible at this time. If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will do our best to accommodate.

Visit us!
Email info@workshopstudios.ca to set up an appointment.